Sunday, November 29, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears...

I figure I'll do this type of segment occassionally. I'm calling it "You know what really grinds my gears" after a similar thing Peter Griffin did on Family Guy a while back. Why? Not because I'm fond of Family Guy, more because "Sarah gets on her self-righteous soapbox" tends to scare away readers. So here goes.

What's particularly grinding my gears at 5 minutes to midnight on the Sunday after Thanksgiving? Something that's been on my mind, something I've noticed for a good while now. Without fail, every Sunday/Monday, a good many people on my little Facebook feed make some complaining commentary about how much it sucks that it's Monday and they have to go to work.

You know what I have to say to the people that complain about having to go to work on Monday?

Shut up!

This country sat down and ate turkey in remembrance of Thanksgiving, which should be a day of giving thanks and remembering just how far God has brought us. Instead, some choose to whine about having to go to work on Monday.

Hi, I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I have a Master's degree and have been unable to find a job since graduating over the summer. I am dying to have a job. Preferrably one in my field, but just about any job I'm physically capable of at this point would be nice. I'm applying for jobs I was overqualified for stepping out of high school, let alone qualified for now. I've been told I can pretty much forget it until after our son has been born and I have recovered from delivery.

Do you have any idea how much I would LOVE to have a job to go to on Monday, even with the weight, aches, pains, and other symptoms of late pregnancy? Do you have any idea what it feels like to see people complaining about having something you've been dying to get for the past months, because it's inconvenient for them to interrupt their two days of leisure and errand running to be productive and earn a living?

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Do I want a job? Yes, it's at the top of my list right now. But I'm thankful that at least I don't have to worry about dealing with taking off to have a baby and what not. There is some good in it. I'm not complaining about the situation, just dealing with the reality of it. Everyone has their laundry list of problems and irritations they have to deal with in their lives. I have mine, but I try to be thankful for the things that God has given us, for the things I don't have to deal with.

Point is, everyone has their problems, but my goodness, do we have to complain about trivial things like being a productive member of society on a Monday morning on facebook, when there are others who would love to have that particular blessing to complain about?